Rythmée par la course de cinq chevaux filmés à Marseille Borély, cette vidéo, hommage à Muybridge, ne cherche pas à plonger le spectateur dans l’univers des hippodromes mais plutôt à lui transmettre la frénésie ressentie lors de cette course effrénée et douloureuse.
Durée : 3mn45s – Fichier Quicktime, 1920*1080
Octobre 2013 : Prix de la Fondation pour la Coopération Germano-Polonaise, 22.dokumentART (Allemagne et Pologne)
Diffusions : o 10/2013 : 22.dokumentART (Pologne et Allemagne) o 11/2013 : Incubarte, Valence (Espagne) o 11/2013 : Brasserie Hermann, Greifswald (Allemagne) o 12/2013 : Streaming Festival, La Haye (Pays-Bas) o 02/2014 : Sarajevo Winter 2014 (Bosnie-Herzégovine) o 02-03/2014 : Raritan Valley 3rd Video Show, Branchburg (USA) o 04/2014 : Experiments In Cinema, Albuquerque (USA) o 05/2014 : Wellington Underground Film Festival, Wellington (Nouvelle-Zélande) Rhythmed by the race of five horses shot in Marseille Borély, this video, tribute to Muybridge, doesn’t try to take the public into the universe of racetracks but rather to communicate them the frenzy felt during the break-neck speed of this painful race.
Length : 3mn45s – Quicktime file, 1920*1080
October 2013 : Award of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, 22.dokumentART (Germany and Poland)
Screenings : o 10/2013 : 22.dokumentART (Poland and Germany) o 11/2013 : Incubarte, Valencia (Spain) o 11/2013 : Brasserie Hermann, Greifswald (Germany) o 12/2013 : Streaming Festival, The Hague (The Netherlands) o 02/2014 : Sarajevo Winter 2014 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) o 02-03/2014 : Raritan Valley 3rd Video Show, Branchburg (USA) o 04/2014 : Experiments In Cinema, Albuquerque (USA) o 05/2014 : Wellington Underground Film Festival, Wellington (New Zealand)
Review from 22.dokumentART, october 2013 : “Bodies of horses, doing their rounds as an amorphous mass. First soundless, this mass jumps and floats over the show-jumping course. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere like a thunderstorm the sound sets in and roars and races and bangs the mass across our retina. Jean Michel Rollands „The Race“ is a post modern homage to Muybridges photo sequence of the movement of a galloping horse. Muybridge dissects frame by frame the nature, the energy and the power. The Race brings it all digitally together, is melting the visual layers, is adding the sound and catapults Muybridge’s legendary analogue series forcefully into the era of digital cinema. That impressed us with all its precision, intelligence and artistry.”