Nebojsa Vukadinovic graduated from the National School of Fine Arts (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris) and Department of Arts at Sorbonne and has had several artist residencies at Caza Velazquez, Madrid; the American Center, Cité des arts, Paris; Chars at Institut de France, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Paris. He has been part of several solo and collective exhibitions. While Nebojsa’s works include drawing, painting, sculpture, and photography, he explores the concept of “territories” by drawing and painting on old post-war maps. He has authored several exhibitions-installations of paintings by questioning the archeology and territories (titled Hortus and Boussoles). Nebojsa is currently working towards realization of a series of paintings and drawings.
“At first sight, Nebojsa Vukadinovic’s paintings and drawings may definitely appear inscrutable to the observer. But soon enough this feeling in him turns into a passionate quest for the unknown so that he is ushered into a world where light is smothered. It calls to mind the walls of some cave on which time has left traces – indeed, the outlines of letters, words and symbols are akin to so many milestones guiding the observer towards the threshold of the world of shadows. ” Prof dr. A. Amatulli
Nebojsa Vukadinovic “Currently on the move”
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